Posted tagged ‘crowd violence’

Macedonia News : PAOK Salonica punished by UEFA after crowd violence

August 28, 2012

Macedonia News – PAOK Salonika and Rapid Vienna were both punished by UEFA with suspended one-year bans  after crowd violence before their Europa League play-off match.

PAOK had won the first leg 2-1 after clashes between rival fans during the warm-up. The return leg is on Thursday in Austria and will now be played behind closed doors i.e. with no spectators present.

The Macedonian club from Greece will have to play their next three European home matches behind closed doors and have been fined €150,000, while the club from Vienna has been fined €75,000.

According to infos, PAOK officials are about to lodge appeals against the respective decisions within three days of the dispatch of the reasoned decisions.

See the video with the fights between PAOK Salonica and Rapid Vienna fans.


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